LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ed McBroom, chairman of the Senate Oversight Committee, on Wednesday announced the publication of the panel’s report on the November 2020 General Election in Michigan.
“As chair of the Senate Oversight Committee, I made it clear from the start that the investigation into the November 2020 General Election would be taken with a firm commitment to truth and a goal of reassuring the citizens of this state that their votes counted,” said McBroom, R-Waucedah Township. “People are, understandably, confused by recent changes to election laws, as well as by practices, orders and determinations made by state and local governments in response to the pandemic. They are right to demand answers and deserve nothing less than the truth amidst so much shouting and misrepresentation from both sides of the political spectrum.
“This investigation was lengthy, thorough, and revealing. We found both real vulnerabilities and resiliency within the state’s elections system. We also discovered the extent to which our elections officials go to facilitate them. The committee’s report goes into considerable detail on many of these issues, and I hope the public is reassured by the security and protections already in place, motivated to support necessary reforms to make it better, and grateful for our fellow citizens who do the hard work of conducting our elections.
“After innumerable hours over many months, watching, listening, and reading both in-person testimony and various other accounts, I am confident in asserting that the results of the November 2020 General Election in Michigan were accurately represented by the certified and audited results. However, if genuine issues arise from continued investigation, I will not hesitate to ask the committee to consider recommending an audit or amending this report in the future.
“I sincerely thank all who participated in this process — especially the concerned voters who want nothing but the best for our state and its people. An active and passionate citizenry is critical to maintaining our republic and the public’s participation has been reassuring that our system of government is alive and well in our state.”
The committee began its investigation into allegations of fraud and security failures just days after the November 2020 General Election. To date, the committee has:
- Conducted nearly 30 hours of public hearings;
- Heard from 87 eyewitnesses, experts and concerned citizens, many under oath;
- Reviewed over 400 pages of testimony; and
- Subpoenaed key documents from the secretary of state and cities of Detroit and Livonia.
Every major concern about the election was closely investigated, including compromised voting tabulators, incidents at the TCF Center in Detroit, misreporting of results from Antrim County, deceased people voting, and many more.
Vulnerabilities identified through the committee’s work are addressed in many of the 39 bills included in the election reform package that seeks to ensure the integrity of Michigan elections for generations to come.
The Senate Oversight Committee report on the November 2020 General Election may be read in its entirety at