McBroom comments on State of the State address

McBroom comments on State of the State address

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, released a statement on Thursday in response to Gov. Whitmer’s State of the State address:

“Last night the governor mentioned several important reforms that the Legislature and her administration were able to work together on last year, and I am hopeful that we can build on those successes as we begin this year’s work.

“That the governor already decided to act alone, however, to borrow billions of dollars to fix only some of the Lower Peninsula’s roads concerns me. By going it alone, she is abandoning the local community roads, especially in the U.P., that arguably need the most work. So, while I appreciate her urgency, we need a real long-term plan to fix all the roads, and I am eager to work toward a solution.

“I also appreciated the governor’s comments on education and am eager to learn more about how we can work together in support of apprenticeships programs, skilled trades training, and colleges and universities to better prepare students for the future.

“That said, the governor’s speech was otherwise light on specifics concerning many other big issues facing our state, and the U.P. specifically. From Line 5, to agriculture, forestry, and manufacturing, there are many challenges we all face, and I am ready to work together to overcome them.”

U.P. residents attend State of the State address

McBroom welcomed Kevin Store, the executive director of Portage Health Foundation in Hancock, as his floor guest for the speech. Another guest, Jim Carey, of the Michigan Association of Timbermen Self-Insurers’ Fund in Channing, viewed the speech from the balcony.

“I am thankful that Kevin and Jim made the trip to Lansing to be my guests for this year’s State of the State address,” McBroom said. “I am always appreciative when folks from back home are able to join me in Lansing.”


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