LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Waucedah Township, issued the following statement on Tuesday:
“The Senate Oversight committee has spent many hours investigating allegations and events surrounding the November election.
“Clearly, the events in Antrim County sparked a significant amount of concern in our state and nationwide about the Dominion software used.
“The simple answer given by the clerk of Antrim County still stands: human error is the factor that contributed to the unofficial vote count errors. These errors were quickly discovered and rectified by the protective systems our state has built in to verify and protect election integrity and were further verified when a hand count was completed.
“John Poulos, the CEO and creator of Dominion Voting Systems, under oath, dispelled all manner of rumors about the origins, connections, and dealings of Dominion Voting Systems.
“Still, the committee’s work on voting software is not complete as we have several additional and clarifying questions for Dominion from our first hearing and are currently working to schedule a hearing with ESS and Hart.”