Senate will not hold hearings on Executive Order

Senate will not hold hearings on Executive Order

LANSING–Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, and Senator Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, today announced the Senate Oversight Committee will not hold hearings on Executive Order 2019-06 to restructure the Department of Environmental Quality.

“After a thorough review of the details of the new EO, I have concluded that committee hearings are not warranted. We will continue to focus on how the Senate can contribute to the policy-making process to ensure safe drinking water and responsible use of our state’s natural resources. We will work to assure reasonable regulations are in place and that we are making sure that regulators aren’t taking non-statutory rules too far,” said McBroom.

“The Governor has presented a revised plan for the Department that takes into account many of the concerns expressed by our caucus and I appreciate her willingness to extend this act of bipartisanship,” said Shirkey.  “The newly issued executive order preserves the ability for citizens to defend their rights against the overreach of bureaucracy and provides our caucus opportunity for policy development.”


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